Chronicle Overview

August 25, 2021

In "Game" features

A 3:50 video of the "game" serving as a sandbox to test out new features. The in-game UIs are done with Dear ImGui. Below is a list of timestamps with brief descriptions.

0:00 = Lists worlds available to load

0:10 to 0:20 = Shows a controllable first person character capsule collide with static and dynamic objects in the world

0:21= Shows an object spawner above the tree spawning in more cubes at random intervals

0:24 = Switches to a debug fly camera

0:30 = Selects the animated character and shows some of the debug menus, featuring mainly rendering debug commands, plus all components on the debug target

0:46 = Opens up the animation debug menus and adjusts the animation graph inputs to the targets

1:48 = Cycles through objects in the world to view their information

2:14 = Selects a different world to load

2:18 = Shows character capsule collision interactions again

2:45 = Opens TestSpawn debug menu to spawn 100 animating XBots

2:59 to End = Shows Tracy profiling tool to explore the multi-threaded engine update by zooming in and out to highlight different profile markers setup in the engine

World / Object Editor

A 3:09 video of the Object and World editors I've built to make editing data easier on myself. The tools are all built using Qt. They also leverage Ponder for a reflection system to create generic UIs. Below is a list of timestamps with brief descriptions.

0:00 = Selects the mode in which to start the editor (Chronicle or Animation)

0:06 = Shows ability to switch styles

0:10 to 0:23 = Uses resource browser to find XbotGraph.crObject to open for editing

0:25 to 1:00 = Explores different components on the object to show editable properties

1:04 - Edits translation on the object's Position Rotation Component to show edits in real time

1:12 to 1:30 = Adds some new components to this object, specifically: a first person camera and a player controllable component, which make this object something the player could control in game

1:42 = Opens a world from the resource browser

1:52 to 2:03 = Shows ability to click viewport and select objects in the world

2:04 = Opens up components on selected object to show re-use of UI from object editor

2:28 = Adds another tree to the world

2:39 to 3:02 = Edits new tree's properties to show that A) edits to this instance of the tree don't affect the other tree in the world and B) edits take affect instantly

Animation Editor

A 3:26 video of the other editor mode for Animation. It's used to edit all animation related data from clips to blend graphs. Below is a list of timestamps with brief descriptions.

0:05 = Selects the ErikaSet (animation sets are what I use to describe all the assets a "character" uses, rig, clips, graphs, etc)

0:09 to 0:35 = Shows playback controls for clips

0:36 to 0:58 = Switches to XbotSet and plays some clips from it

0:59 to 1:37 = Shows graph preview controls

1:40 = Shows clips with triggers (frame markers that currently are just used to line up blending animations)

2:19 = Shows the AnimationSet editing UI

2:42 = Shows Animation State Machine UI

3:08 = Shows Blend Graph UI

Next Post?

My plan for the next post is to go into some more detail about the Chronicle object system.

Asset sources